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  1. What are Server Side Includes?
  2. Do I need Server Side Includes to run this?

What are Server Side Includes?

  • Short Answer:

    Server Side Includes allow for your server to parse your html pages and return certain things in place of your server side include calls.

    Long Answer:

    Server Side Includes allow you to imbed special tags in order for your server to parse this document and replace these tags with the information you requested to beplaced there, whether it be a CGI script, command, or even an environment variable. This all occurs on the server side, which means that when the document reaches the end user, they won't even know the server side includes were ever used, and if they view source, they won't see any trace of them.

    More Information:

Do I need Server Side Includes to run this?

  • Short Answer:


    Long Answer:

    No. To most easily implement this script you will need to have Server Side Includes turned on on your system. There are several utilities which allow you to get around the unfortunate problem that many users have: Server Side Includes turned off. Below is a list of some of the ways to get around this.

    CERN server fake SSI script
    This simple script adds server side include functionality to pages that are handled by a CERN WebServer.

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